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Beyond any New Age or self-help teaching, this process taps into the future as not only possible, but accessible in this very moment. This leading-edge book is a mind-stretching exploration of how to create your reality by “remembering” how it exists in the future.
Written by best-selling author and The Secret movie star Dr. Joe Vitale and award-winning musician and music producer Daniel Barrett, this quick-reading, entertaining book will appeal to all walks of life.
From the desk of: Joe Vitale
Dear Friend,
The Remembering Process, by Daniel Barrett and me, has just been released and I want to ethically "bribe" you to buy a copy TODAY.
If you scroll down this page you're going to see an amazing collection of books, audio's and videos hand picked to accelerate your success - no matter what path you're on.
1. Buy a copy of my book right now from Amazon. (It will cost you around $16).
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Where else can you spend less than $20 and receive almost $2,000 worth of valuable training, inspiration and information - all selected to help you move closer to your goals, dreams and aspirations?
(By the way, if you don't absolutely love the book, I'll REFUND EVERY DIME. You keep ALL the free bonuses as my gift for your trouble.)
Go ahead and order your copy of The Remebering Process today - fill out the form at the bottom of this page - then claim and enjoy ALL these gifts while they are still available.
What if you could transport yourself to a place where you’re already the person you want to be? What if you could discover the resolution to your current problems simply by accessing the wisdom a “future you” knows right now?
You can. Memory isn’t just held in the past, it’s held at all points of time, and you can learn to harness this amazing part of your mind to unfold your greatest future. This hauntingly beautiful song, “Remember,” from Dr. Joe Vitale’s newest album, Reflection, offers a glimpse into a new and exciting process he’s developed to catapult your own life to the “top of the charts.”
It was such an honor for me to be invited to speak at the 2013 Hay House event in Austin, TX.
I was selected as one of their keynote speakers -- Hay House represents over 200 authors and only 25 people are chosen for this opportunity.
My talk is based on my new (and first so far) book published by Hay House!
In this interview you will hear me reveal a breakthrough, fun, new creativity and visualization technique for making your life a breeze!
It will warp time and stretch your mind, and make your manifestation abilities even easier. Call it an advanced method for creating your own reality at an accelerated pace. With it, you can do virtually anything, simply because in some world in the future, your goal already exists.
All you need to do is "remember" it back into being. Along the way, I will explain how I created four music albums in only 18 months -- with no prior experience as a singer, songwriter, performer or musician. I simply "remembered" my dreams into being!
You'll also hear me introduce my friend and co-author, Daniel Barrett, of our
new book, titled: The Remembering Process: A Surprising
(and Fun) Breakthrough New Way to Amazing Creativity.
I remember you said you loved listening to this interview.
I remember how much you loved this process.
Keep "remembering" The Remembering Process with this fabulous screensaver that incorporates quotes from the book by both authors! Designed to remind you to stay focused on your goals and "remember."
Dr. Joe Vitale has been a powerful influence on so many of us over the years. This powerful screensaver incorporates some of his best quotes combined with beautiful and peaceful nature images to keep you engaged.
Download Bill's incredible Sunsets Screensaver and experience 30 days of sunsets on the beach and start choosing to stay positive in your thinking today. Each image in the screensaver contains a positive affirmation to help you achieve maximum results.
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Description: Adam Mortimer, Joe Vitale's Miracles Coach, leads The Secret Mirror™ Mastermind with a gratitude meditation and advanced nevilizing techniques. This session helps participants to clear their counter intentions and limiting beliefs.
Adam also teaches a powerful visualization technique that helps them tap into The Secret Mirror™ and the power of seeing your future self.
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From Zero: Ten songs that combined the power of Ho’oponopono healing with Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon’s wonderful modern guitar style. Inspired by the best selling book Zero Limits and its amazing story of one mans use of Ho’oponopono. It musically wipes out energy blocks and any negativity.
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Joseph M. Rau and Katie Rau Szczech, a brother and sister team, have joined together to publish the App/Magazine, Flourish: Your Guide to Conscious Living. Inspired by their backgrounds and training in metaphysics and the holistic healing arts, they are uniquely positioned to carefully pick and present through Flourish, authors, articles, and videos that cultivate a conscious lifestyle of balance, wellness, and mindfulness.
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...a note from Joe:
Recently singer Daniel Barrett of the Austin band Porterdavis came to my home for my weekly pre-production session for my forthcoming album of original music. As he walked up the stairs into my recording studio area, I started congratulating him on something he hadn’t done yet.
“Dan, it was great to see your book on the New York Times bestseller list. I felt proud to know I was a part of that process. And I’m thrilled to see that you can still make time for our lessons with all the media requests and offers you’re getting since your book hit it big time. “
Dan stood at the top of my stairs and took in what I was saying. I was using his own process on him. He was letting it sink in. He knew he hadn’t written his book yet. But he also knew I was speaking from the future, and reporting back to him what had happened.
“The reviews say your book is a breakthrough in creativity and has implications for quantum realities. Your millions of readers are loving your new process. And I loved seeing you on national television talking about it all.”
Dan introduced me to his Remembering Process at a recent lesson. I was struggling with writing my first songs.
Dan said, “It’s easier to remember than to create.”
I suggest you play with this.
Whatever your next goal or intention happens to be, imagine it’s done and you’re way past it in time.
What you do next is remember the thrill of accomplishing it.
And from there you can play with remembering how you accomplished it.
In another email, Dan added this thought to help explain The Remembering Process:
“They say that Michelangelo felt he ‘freed’ the David from the stone. Somewhere in the time/space continuum, that sculpture was complete and finished. He remembered the form, and allowed it to enter it’s new life.”
I remember how much you loved this process.
I remember that you used the process a lot, and bought Dan’s book when it came out, and loved it.
You may place your order at Amazon.com.
Just fill out the Gift Redemption Form below and if your information is valid we'll give you instant access to your gifts - it's that easy!
Dr. Joe Vitale
Member BBB 2003-2014
PS - For more information about Miracles Coaching®, please see http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com
You can find out more about Daniel and his Rubicon Year program and Rubicon studio at: http://rubiconartistdevelopment.com/services/
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Dr. Joe Vitale PS - For more information about Miracles Coaching®, please see http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com Tell a friend and share this great site with others.
Dr. Joe Vitale, a star in the hit movie "The Secret," bestselling author of The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, television guest star on Larry King Live and CNN, ABC, FOX, etc., is the world's first self-help singer songwriter. Media and Performance Requests Contact: Email Joe's booking agent: Caroline@MrFire.com or call 888-743-2824 opt 3
Services are provided by Acheive Today, Inc., which has been selected by Joe Vitale to provide education and guidance throughout your program. © Copyright 2000 - Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., (All rights reserved) Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., P.O. Box 2924 Wimberley, TX 78676-2924 - (888) 743-2824 Legal Disclaimer - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service Customer Service: The Hypnotic Marketing Customer Care Center. Give us a call at (888) 743-2824 option 2 or send us an email at Support@MrFire.com |